NOC · Network Monitoring


> nothing escapes our gaze

Our certified staff operates immediately managing alerts generated by our ICT infrastructure monitoring systems to enable a secure and efficient communication between business systems and technologies. Through a real-time updated overview, we ensure to our customers a summary of the data, information and analysis of the competences and performance of their IT infrastructure.

Infrastructure Monitoring

Flexible Alerting

Network Monitoring

Network Performance

Storage Monitoring

Bandwidht Monitoring

Cloud Monitoring

Database Monitoring

Server Monitoring

Certificated NOC Team Support

> h24 support

NEVER STOPS support is active 24 hours a day. According to the conditions given by the standard procedures and best practices, it guarantees to the ICT pilot of your company the certainty to perform any operation without any risks and to have the whole situation under control in the most advantageous, safe, speedy and effective way. Therefore, assuring business continuity we can say it is also an economical solution.

We are saving your time


– ST

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    MODENA Never stops


    Via Grazia Deledda, 38
    41043 Formigine (MO) – Italy
    Tel: +39 059 5961 333

    PESARO Never stops


    Via Bruno Bedosti, 21
    61122 Pesaro (PU) – Italy
    Tel: +39 0721 1838 555

    PIACENZA Never stops


    Via Rinaldo Ancillotti, 8
    29122 Piacenza (PC) – Italy
    PIVA e CF 01429880337